Saturday 1 June 2013

How to Make Your Feet Smell Good

As the old adage goes, "An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth a Pound of Cure." That statement holds true, especially when it comes to sweating and foot odour. If you take precautions so your feet don't sweat excessively, that will practically stop foot odor dead in its tracks right there.

keeping  your face and hair clean during the hot months is very important; 
it's crucial to keep our feet clean and non-smelly too.

Its essential to bath your feet every day in soapy water splashing water on your feet isn't enough. Lather your feet thoroughly with soap and make sure you scrub them with a sponge, Also while cleaning your feet; ensure that you clean your toes and scrub your heels.

Your feet need to be washed on a regular basis with a good anti-bacterial soap. Killing the nasty bacteria will naturally help alleviate smelly foot odour. And, be sure to rinse and dry your feet well after washing them, you can apply a talcum powder or mist every night before you go off to sleep.
 This will keep your feet clean and odour free.

Moisturize your feet daily to ensure that they are soft and supple. Even though it is very hot, moisturizing your feet on a daily basis will keep them clean and also prevent them from cracks.

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