Monday 8 July 2013


Hold the curler the way you normally hold a pair of scissors.

Open the curler completely and bring it to the upper lashes.
make sure to get the strip right up to the roots & check to see
that you have all of the lashes inside the curler. Place the tool
upright, so the curve faces out. Close the curler carefully on
the lashes and squeeze lightly, with a soft, pulsing grip.
Tilt curler upwards so that the curve of the curler lines up
with the curve of your eyelid's crease. This is the pro secret.
It will give you curl, rather than a crimp effect.
Squeeze the curler handles in small pulses with light pressure,
holding the tool in place for several seconds without blinking.
from roots to tip, press over the lash with the same pressure.
Repeat if necessary to define your lashes before applying makeup
Lenghten & Volumize Lashes With Mascara
By James Vincent

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